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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 23 Page: 428 (~1867)

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428 this silent mound for over twenty seven years ere a monument was erected to his memory, though he passed away in a country where there were thousands who professed to love the cause he served, and in the faith of which he died. Upon inquiry we have learned that his resting place was neglected and apparently forgotten until about three years ago, when Mr. G. W. Larkin, who was then sexton, was looking over the old records he found the record of a lot deeded to T. B. Marsh, and also the record of his burial therein. Search was made on the spot indicated by the records, when a grave was found marked by some small rocks laid around it, and a headboard, then rotted off at the ground, which bore simply the initials, 'T. B. M.' It was overgrown by sagebrush in such a manner as to obscure it from view. Larkin and Son, undertakers, cleared off the lot, and published in the city papers an account of their find.

"Then a Mr. David M. Stewart took charge of a subscription paper, and in this way raised the neat marble stone which marks his resting place, at a cost of sixty-five dollars. Brigham Young was the second President of the Twelve, and he too has passed away. His burial place has been well cared for. His family cemetery is a beautiful, well-watered, green lawn, inclosed [enclosed] in an iron fence. And now subscription papers are being circulated widely with a view of raising a splendid monument to his memory to cost many thousands. The last account we saw the amount subscribed was over seven thousand dollars.

"We understand that fifty thousand dollars are desired. Why this distinction? When the records of the two men are finally examined, where exact justice is meted out, will these two monuments be an index to the rewards there given? If not, will anyone feel rebuked for unjust discrimination here?" The Saints' Herald, vol. 42, p. 470.

This was a period of special activity among the ministry, and encouraging reports were frequent. Under date of March 5,1866, Elder Thomas Dobson wrote:-

"We have had a glorious time in the Mason Grove branch [Iowa]. Myself and Elder Eli Clothier have continued our

(page 428)

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