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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 24 Page: 477 (~1867)

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477 was the baptizing of eighteen, who desired salvation and who knew the voice of the Spirit.

"Bro. Thomas Dungan writes from Cleveland, Humboldt County, California, that he is laboring there with some good results.

"Bro. Waddel from Alabama, sends a good report of the work there. . . .

"Brethren William Hazzledine, M. H. Forscutt, and Charles W. Lange were appointed a committee on forms for representation, pursuant to the resolution adopted by the conference at Keokuk, to the minutes of which reference is here made. We wrote to Bro. Mark in reference to it, but presume the letter miscarried as the receipt of it was not acknowledged in his subsequent letters.

"From advices received from Utah and Idaho, there is a showing of much good labor. As an index of the zeal and good feeling, they held a six hours' session of meeting. Bro. Job and Bro. Gillen, with many others, deserve the prayers of the saints in their behalf continually, for theirs is certainly an arduous and troublesome mission. May God cheer and protect them."-The Saints' Herald, vol. 11, pp. 152, 153.

Early in June Elders T. E. Jenkins and J. D. Jones each wrote of progress in Wales, and announced the intention of Elder Jones to depart for America. On June 12, he, in company with Elder Thomas Gibbs, sailed from Liverpool, on board the City of Denmark.

June 24, 1867, Elder William Anderson wrote from Genoa, Nevada, reporting general prosperity in California and Nevada. He stated that there had been thirty-two baptisms since last report in San Bernardino, three at Alameda, thirteen at Petaluma, nine in Sacramento, California. In addition he said: "I am much encouraged in the work on the Pacific slope. A brighter day has commenced to dawn on California."

Elder Stephen Maloney wrote from Camp Douglas, Utah, stating that the spring emigration left there on May 20 for the East, and another company was preparing to leave about July 10.

(page 477)

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