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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 37 Page: 723 (~1830)

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723 Joseph Smith, In July, 1843, and as such rendered the decision which set him at liberty.

The scenes through which Elder Marks passed after the death of Joseph Smith, his opposition to the measures of the Twelve which finally resulted in his leaving Nauvoo, are narrated in this volume.

At a General Conference held in Nauvoo, Illinois, In October, 1844, a motion to sustain William Marks "in his calling as president of this stake" was lost by a large majority. In this connection Samuel Bent stated that the High Council had already dropped him, because he did not acknowledge the authority of the Twelve. The minutes of the conference do not state any other cause for his rejection, but it was well understood that it was because he would not indorse [endorse] the measures and policy of Brigham Young and his supporters. For a short time Elder Marks favored Sidney Rigdon, but soon became satisfied that his claims were erroneous, and renounced them. On April 6, 1847, Elder Marks was in attendance at the Strangite conference held at Voree, Wisconsin. At this time he was presumably in fellowship with that faction, as he was then appointed and acted as a member of the "committee on church property." Prior to this, on November 6, 1846, Elder Marks was called through James J. Strang to be a counselor to Strang in the presidency; but it appears that he was not very credulous in receiving the word through Strang, for in another communication, bearing date of January 7, 1849, he is spoken of as follows: "Behold my servant, William Marks, has gone far astray in departing from me, yet I will give unto him a little space, that he may return and receive my word, and stand in his place; for I remember his work that he has done in the time that is past."

The action of April conference of 1849, held at Voree, Wisconsin, was consistent with this communication, for then Elder Marks was sustained conditionally. The minutes contain the following: "Resolved that if Bro. William Marks will magnify his office according to the requirements of the revelation of January 7, that we will receive, uphold,

(page 723)

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