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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 37 Page: 729 (~1830)

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729 views and teachings were of God, then I hoped to be able to know it; but as yet I had no confidence in them. Soon after this, Elder Briggs rose up and took the Book of Mormon from the stand, and opened it hastily, looking intently upon it as though he were reading it to himself, when after a moment's waiting, his countenance and his entire being seemed highly animated, and he began speaking, as if reading from the book. As soon as he began speaking the Spirit came in mighty power,-the same Spirit that bore witness to me of the truth of the gospel five years before,--bearing testimony to me that they were the servants of God, and that their mission and tidings were of God. The first words uttered by Elder Briggs were these: 'I, the Lord, will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy; and I will forgive whom I will forgive.' Then he began speaking in prophecy, declaring the coming of Joseph, my future mission in the church, with many other things connected with the church and myself. When he ceased speaking, Elder S. H. Gurley arose and spoke in prophecy, testifying many things through the Spirit. My doubts were now dispelled, and my mind was fully satisfied that the Lord would, in his own good time, call young Joseph to the Presidency of the Church."

In December, 1856, Mr. Blair and wife went to Zarahemla (now Blanchardville), Wisconsin, where they made the acquaintance of Elder Z. H. Gurley and the branch at that place. They were highly pleased with their visit, and returned strengthened in the faith of the Reorganization.

In 1857 he attended the Annual Conference held at Zarahemla, and on the 7th of April was baptized by Elder Z. H. Gurley, and on the 8th was ordained to the office of an high priest. During the ensuing year he followed the avocation of farming, preaching occasionally as opportunity offered.

On October 7, 1858, at the Semiannual Conference held at Zarahemla, Wisconsin, Elder Blair was ordained an apostle. At a special conference, held at Amboy, Illinois, June 10 to 14, 1859, he was chosen Church Recorder. This position he held until October 8, 1860, when he was released by General Conference. At this conference he was appointed with Elder E. C. Briggs

(page 729)

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