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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 18 Page: 324 (~1881)

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324 members of the Quorum of Twelve were approved: J. W. Gillen, Australian Mission. William Nelson, released from the Tahiti Mission, the Bishop to send him money to return to San Francisco. David Brown, in charge of the Tahiti Mission. T. Taylor, president of the English Mission. J. L. Bear, Switzerland Mission. W. H. Kelley, T. W. Smith, James Caffall, Josiah J. H. Lake, and J. R. Lambert, in present fields. A. H. Smith, in charge of the state of Missouri, M. T. Short and W. T. Bozarth associated with him. E. C. Briggs, in charge of Southwestern Iowa. Z. H. Gurley, as circumstances permit. J. W. Briggs, as circumstances permit. C. Scott, G. Griffiths, and B. V. Springer, associated with W. H. Kelley. Heman C. Smith, in charge of the Southwestern Mission. J. F. McDowell, in present field. G. S. Hyde, Southwestern Iowa and Nebraska. D. H. Bays, Western Iowa and parts of Nebraska and Kansas. J. C. Foss, in charge of the Southeastern Mission. W. W. Blair, R. J. Anthony, G. E. Deuel, and E. C. Brand, Rocky Mountain Mission. P. N. Brix, Scandinavian Mission. J. H. Hansen was requested to take charge of Scandinavian Mission. Glaud Rodger, in his last appointment. F. P. Scarcliff, present field. John Thomas, Southeastern Mission. C. A. Wickes, Texas and Western Louisiana.

The Twelve also presented the following:

We recommend that all high priests, elders, priests, teachers, and deacons labor as circumstances permit, under mission, district, and branch authorities, and make themselves actively engaged in the cause of Christ, and by their diligence show a worthiness to be appointed to various fields of labor as soon as the church shall be in a condition to send forth more laborers.

Later the following resolution was adopted: "Resolved, That the Chicago Mission be continued as per order of last conference, and that Bro. M. H. Forscutt labor there in charge."

The Second Quorum of Elders reported having received J. H. Condit, Levi Gamet, and Egbert Bullard.

The Fourth Quorum of Elders reported having received Edward Boulson, W. H. Jordon, E. R. Lanphear, C. D. Stevens, and Edger Sherman. Levi Wilson was chosen

(page 324)

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