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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 18 Page: 325 (~1881)

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325 second counselor to the president of the quorum. This choice was approved by the conference and Elder Wilson was accordingly ordained.

The First Quorum of Priests reported as having added the following to its number: J. R. Nicholas, J. F. Clemensen, J. J. Vickery, D. C. White, J. H. Merriam, James Buxton, A. D. Hougas, William Clow, Henry Roberts, Samuel Naiden, F. S. Gilliland, J. C. Tripp, Benjamin Kester, Milton Daugherty, B. M. Green, J. C. Johnson, Elisha McEvers, J. B. Gouldsmith, and Jacob Whitinger.

Several appeal cases were heard by special committees and disposed of. The committee on representation stated through its chairman, Joseph Smith, that it was not ready to report. It was continued. All missionaries hitherto appointed, and not reappointed or sustained at this session were released, and the following was adopted.

Whereas, Injury may result to the cause and perhaps also to individuals, in that the labors of some of the ministry may be lessened through misunderstanding as to the action of this conference in regard to sending only the Twelve and the Seventy into the field (unless sufficient means be in the church treasury to do otherwise), therefore be it

Resolved, That those of the ministry who were under General Conference appointment, but who are not named in the list of missions appointed at this session, neither have been individually released, nor otherwise provided for, are hereby recommended to district and mission authorities and conferences for appointment, either in those fields to which they were formerly assigned by the General Conference, or to other districts and regions where they may profitably work; and we also recommend such authorities or conferences to receive them in the same spirit as though they were sent by the General Conference; and furthermore we recommend that such districts and missions sustain such laborers with the necessary means, so far as is practicable and just, and this in order that the work of God may be prosecuted with no less vigor and success than has been heretofore. And we also recommend that all others who can labor to the benefit of the cause, be also in like manner appointed and sustained, according as the Spirit may direct and means and circumstances may justify or permit.

October 10, 1880, at a general conference of the Utah faction, the First Presidency of that church, which had been disorganized since the death of Brigham Young, was reorganized by choosing John Taylor president, with G. Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith counselors. At the

(page 325)

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