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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 21 Page: 391 (~1882)

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391 report which was examined by a committee consisting of W. H. Kelley, I. N. White, and E. C. Brand. The report of the committee was adopted, and the committee discharged. The Board of Publication reported cash receipts, $14,781.43; expenditures, $14,065.19; leaving balance of $716.24. Inventory showed assets, $21,948.30; liabilities, $4,950.15; leaving net assets, $16,998.15. This account was also audited by the same committee as above, and accepted.

The Bishop reported, total receipts, $7,694.26; expenditures, $5,798.65; leaving balance in Bishop's hands, $1,895.61. Total receipts by agents, $5,552.24; expenditures by agents, $4,942.

The following quorums reported: High Priests reported the death of three members, viz., Hugh Lytle, J. M. Harvey, and Thomas Carrico. Seventy had dropped on account of inactivity G. W. Harlow, W. White, C. F. Stiles, G. Outhouse, A. B. Alderman, J. Burgess, Samuel Ackerley, G. W. Shaw, D. Wilding, Thomas Job, W. H. Hartshorn, H. B. Lowe, J. Speight, R. W. Briggs, and Samuel Blair. Magnus Fyrando was expelled. Three members reported dead, viz., R. H. Atwood, W. Ostrander, and W. D. Lewis. First Quorum of Elders reported one death, J. Perkins; two dropped, Anthony Metcalf and J. W. Mather; three received, M. R. Scott, William Newton, and J. F. Burton. Second Quorum of Elders reported no changes. Third Quorum of Elders J. W. Johnson dropped from the quorum; and C. W. Short, E. H. Gurley, D. Brown, and D. S. Crowley admitted to membership. The First Quorum of Priests reported having completed their quorum membership, and that they had chosen Lawrence Conover, president of quorum. This was approved and he was ordained. The complete list was as follows: Rudolph Etzenhouser, Frank Steffe, William M. Rumel, Charles A. Wickes, Daniel McPherson, Stephen N. Adams, William Crick, D. D. Williams, George F. Weston, Lawrence Conover, E. L. Kelley, J. R. Nicholas, James F. Clemensen, J. J. Vickery, D. C. White, James Buxton, Almon D. Hougas, William Clow, Henry Roberts, Samuel Naiden, Freeman S. Gilliland, Benjamin Kaster, Milton Daugherty, J. C. Johnson, J. B. Gouldsmith, Jacob Whitinger, A. W. Glover, Henry J. Warbee,

(page 391)

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