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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 21 Page: 392 (~1882)

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392 Asa S. Cochran, M. M. Turpen, George Whitnell, Noah N. Cook, Edward Rannie, William N. Dawson, Eli Wilcox, Charles P. Faul, W. H. Bradford, Ira Agan, W. J. Weston, Robert White, Andrew J. Cox, F. M. Dennis, M. M. Ballinger, Elijah Sparks, Lewis Fowler, D. R. Baldwin, Joseph Upton, Barnett M. Green.

The committee on German tracts reported that they had translated and published "The One Baptism," and the "Epitome." The following was adopted:

Whereas, There are certain German tracts written and published which are not in harmony with the doctrines of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ; be it

Resolved, That all tracts be submitted to the German committee, appointed by conference of September, 1881, for correction.

The following was offered:

Whereas, The holding of the two General Conferences each year is attended with great expense, and in our judgment is unnecessary; therefore, be it

Resolved, That when this conference adjourns, it does so to meet April 6,1883. . . .

This was disposed of by adoption of the following:

Resolved, That when this conference adjourns, it does so to meet this fall, notice being given through the Herald in regard to the change of time from semiannual to annual conferences, presented by the foregoing resolution, that districts may instruct their delegates in this matter.

Another attempt was made to declare the rules of representation null and void, but this failed. The rules were, however, amended to give delegates one vote for each six members instead of one vote for each twenty.

The Bishop, and missionary in charge of the region including Kirtland, Ohio, were appointed a committee to repair Kirtland Temple.

Joseph Smith, Z. H. Gurley, and E. L. Kelley were appointed a committee to attend at Washington, District of Columbia, in case the interest of the church should so demand.

The following missions were appointed upon the recommendation of the First Presidency and the Twelve:

W. W. Blair, in charge of the Rocky Mountain Mission. J. W. Briggs, to travel and speak as circumstances permit.

(page 392)

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