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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 26 Page: 466 (~1885)

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466 November 9 two members of the church, Mr. and Mrs. Standering, were murdered near Hutchinson, Colorado, by unknown parties. It was supposed that the purpose was robbery.

Early in November a circular letter was sent out announcing that a decision had been reached to publish a periodical on the Pacific Coast. The circular was signed by H. P. Brown, T. J. Andrews, George S. Lincoln, A. Haws, and others. On December 15 those interested in the move met at the office of H. P. Brown, Oakland, California, and organized a Board of Publication consisting of T. J. Andrews, president; G. S. Lincoln, treasurer; Richard Ferris, secretary; Albert Haws; and H. P. Brown, editor.

Elder George Q. Cannon delivered a discourse at Ephraim, Utah, November 16, by which it would appear that he expected the posterity of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, would accomplish a work in the church. The Deseret News of November 25, reports him as saying:

There may be faithful men who will have unfaithful sons, who may not be as faithful as they might be; but faithful posterity will come, just as I believe it will be the case with the Prophet Joseph's seed. To-day he has not a soul descended from him personally in this church. There is not a man bearing the holy priesthood to stand before our God in the church that Joseph was the means in the hands of God of founding-not a man to-day of his own blood,-that is, by descent-to stand before the Lord and represent him among these Latter Day Saints. But will this always be the case? No. Just as sure as God lives, just as sure as God has made promises, so sure will some one of Joseph Smith's posterity rise up and be numbered with this church and bear the everlasting priesthood and who will honor and magnify that priesthood among the Latter Day Saints."

There was an effort made to revive the work of Joseph Morris. There was a paper published in San Francisco, California, by Elder James Dove, called the Olive Branch, in which it was announced that George S. Dove was the successor of Joseph Morris. The Olive Branch also published a portion of the revelations of Joseph Morris. Subsequently (1886), George S. Dove & Company published the revelations of Joseph Morris in book form, entitled, "Spirit Prevails." The Olive Branch for

(page 466)

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