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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 27 Page: 469 (~1885)

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469 CHAPTER 27.


BEARING date of January, 1885, the first number of The Expositor appeared, published at Oakland, California. The first number contained the following declaration of its policy and purpose:

The Expositor is published in the interest of the truth, as its name implies; but more especially the truths believed in, and taught by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and to draw the distinction plainly and clearly between the said church, which is opposed to polygamy and its kindred evils, and the so-called Latter Day Saint or "Mormon" church of Utah, which teaches and practices the abominable doctrines of polygamy, Adam worship, and "blood-atonement."

We want it distinctly known and understood by all the world, that the Reorganized Church of Christ, under the presidency of Joseph Smith, son of the martyred prophet, is a separate and distinct organization, duly and legally incorporated under the laws of our country, and has no connection or fellowship with the "Mormon church" of Utah under the presidency of John Taylor, successor to Brigham Young. It has been judicially decided by the courts of Ohio, that the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, is the true and lawful continuation of, and successor to the church organized by Joseph Smith and others, on April 6, 1830. While the same tribunal has decided and determined that the Utah church is a schismatic and apostate church, having denied and rejected the original doctrines of said church of 1830. And while this paper will fearlessly attack what it deems errors and heresies in religion, its columns will always be open as far as possible for the respectful reply of those

(page 469)

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