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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 27 Page: 485 (~1885)

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485 John W. Taylor, and John Q. Cannon were sent to Washington to present it. Similar meetings were held in different parts of the Territory. These meetings were indicative that the people in Utah were feeling sensitively the efforts being made to enforce the law.

The annual conference for the European Mission was held at Sheffield, England.

In the Herald for May 16 the First Presidency replied to the question referred by General Conference concerning Elders J. W. Briggs and Z. H. Gurley as follows:

In reply to the question submitted to the Presidency at the late April session of conference, respecting the official standing of Brn. Jason W. Briggs and Zenas H. Gurley, by reason of the vote of the conference failing to sustain them: We answer that they are still members of their quorum, and hold priesthood; but by reason of the vote not to sustain, are not authorized to act as ministers for the church, until such time as the disability imposed by the vote of conference is removed.


May 4, 1885. W. W. BLAIR.

May 20 a branch was organized in Sioux City, Iowa, by Elders Charles Derry and H. L. Holt, composed of seven members, M. P. Berg, presiding elder; E. A. Townsend, teacher; David Jennings, deacon.

(page 485)

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