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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 38 Page: 657 (~1830)

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657 CHAPTER 38.


JUNE 8, 1890, a chapel was dedicated at Kewanee, Illinois. Elders A. H. and W. J. Smith assisted the local authorities in the service.

On Saturday, June 14, President Joseph Smith and Bishop George A. Blakeslee visited Nauvoo, Illinois; and as it will be interesting to many readers of history to know the condition of the city, famous because of the history of the past, we here insert a description of the visit given by President Smith in the Herald for July 26:

That which first strikes the attention is the stillness, almost Sabbath-day silence, resting over the city. From the time the traveler reaches the shore on ferry-boat, city of Nauvoo, until he leaves, as he may, he is impressed with the air of restfulness and undisturbed repose which pervades everywhere.

Except for a single track traced like a thin gray ribbon along the streets near the center, the white clover and blue-grass grow a green sward from fence to fence, the sidewalks being especially smooth as if clipped by a lawn-mower. In all the lower part of the city, known as the flat, there is not a business house of any sort, except a small steam flouring-mill, which stands quite near the river at the foot of Bain Street.

(page 657)

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