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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 1 Page: 31 (~1836)

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31 Twelve voted in the affirmative, and three; viz., John F. Boynton, Lyman E. Johnson, and Orson Pratt, in the negative. And the original bill of the 12th of February was passed.

"'Dismissed by prayer, half past nine o'clock.

"'OLIVER COWDERY, Clerk.' . . .

"Saturday, 12th. Engaged a team to go to Hudson after Mr. Seixas' family and goods, also a horse and carriage for himself and wife. Cold weather and fine sleighing. I was informed to-day that a man by the name of Clark froze to death last night, near this place, who was under the influence of ardent spirits. O, my God! how long will this monster intemperance find its victims on the earth? Methinks until the earth is swept with the wrath and indignation of God, and Christ's kingdom becomes universal. O, come, Lord Jesus, and cut short thy work in righteousness !

"Saturday, l9th. . . . 'Elders Orson Pratt, John F. Boynton, and Lyman Johnson, met the Presidency of the church, and verbally withdrew all objections to the first resolution presented to the quorums by the Presidency, on the 12th of February, for the regulation of ordinations.

"'OLIVER COWDERY, Clerk of Conference.'

"Sunday, 20th. Attended the house of worship. The Quorum of High Priests delivered short addresses to the congregation, in a very feeling and impressive manner. One individual was baptized at intermission.

"In the afternoon, administered the Lord's supper, as we were wont to do on every Sabbath, and the Lord blessed our souls with the outpouring of his Spirit, and we were made to rejoice in his goodness.

"Monday, 21st. At school in the morning. After school, went to the printing office, and prepared a number of elders' licenses, to send by Elder Palmer to the court of Medina County, in order to obtain licenses to marry, as the court in this county will not grant us this privilege. Ten persons were baptized in this place. . .

"Saturday, 26th. At home, attending to my domestic concerns in the morning. After breakfast, met with the

(page 31)

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