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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 2 Page: 49 (~1835-1836)

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49 County, New York, with the information that his father and family, and Uncle Silas and family, were on their way to Kirtland, and that my grandmother was at Fairport.

"May 17. I went, in company with my brother Hyrum, in a carriage to Fairport, and brought home my grandmother, Mary Smith, aged ninety-three years. She had not been baptized, on account of the opposition of Jesse Smith, her eldest son, who has always been an enemy to the work. She had come five hundred miles to see her children, and knew all of us she had ever seen; was much pleased at being introduced to her great-grandchildren, and expressed much pleasure and gratification on seeing me.

"My grandfather, Asael Smith, long ago predicted that there would be a prophet raised up in his family, and my grandmother was fully satisfied that it was fulfilled in me. My grandfather Asael died in East Stockholm, St. Lawrence County, New York, after having received the Book of Mormon, and read it nearly through; and he declared that I was the very prophet that he had long known would come in his family.

"On the 18th, my uncle Silas Smith and family arrived from the East. My father, three of his brothers, and their mother, met the first time for many years. It was a happy day, for we had long prayed to see our grandmother and uncles in the church.

"On May 27, after a few days' visit with her children, which she enjoyed extremely well, my grandmother fell asleep without sickness, pain, or regret. She breathed her last about sunset, and was buried in the burial ground near the temple, after the funeral address had been delivered by Sidney Rigdon. She had buried one daughter, Sarah; two sons, Stephen and Samuel; and her husband, who died October 30,1830, and left five sons and three daughters still living. At the death of my grandfather, who had kept a record, there were one hundred and ten children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. My uncle Stephen, and aunt Sarah, were buried side by side in the burial ground in Royalton, Windsor County, Vermont. Stephen died July 25, 1802,

(page 49)

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