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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 7 Page: 120 (~1837-1838)

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120 and Titus Billings for his counselors, who were unanimously chosen.

"Elder Isaac Morley was then unanimously appointed Patriarch of this branch of the church.

"Elder John Corrill was chosen to be keeper of the Lord's storehouse.

"Elder Isaac Morley was then ordained to the office of Patriarch, under the hands of Presidents Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon, and Hyrum Smith.

"The congregation, after a few remarks from Sidney Rigdon, unanimously voted not to support stores and shops selling spirituous liquors, tea, coffee, or tobacco.

"A vote was called on the subject of the Presidents of the Seventies; and those who have recently been appointed to that office were unanimously received.

"The congregation then united with President Sidney Rigdon, who, in the closing prayer, called upon their Lord to dedicate this land for the gathering of the saints, and their inheritances.

"Thomas B. Marsh, Moderator.

"Attest, Oliver Cowdery, Clerk."

-Millennial Star, vol. 16, pp. 106-108.

Soon after this Joseph Smith left Far West to return to Kirtland.

On November 27, at Kirtland, Reuben Hedlock was chosen President of the Elders' Quorum, to succeed Elder Beeman, deceased.

On November 30 Bishop Partridge reported that he had paid attorney's fees in suits against the Jackson County mob, to the amount of six hundred dollars, and costs to the amount of three hundred dollars, and asked that he be permitted to liquidate the debt out of properties of the church. This request was granted.

Of affairs at Kirtland, Joseph writes:-

"During my absence Warren Parrish, John F. Boynton, Luke Johnson, Joseph Coe, and some others united together for the overthrow of the church.

"I returned to Kirtland on or about the 10th of December, soon after which this dissenting band openly and publicly

(page 120)

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