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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 18 Page: 352 (~1839-1840)

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352 CHAPTER 18


IT is now the spring of 1839, and the body of the Saints are in Western Illinois, where they went cheerfully and diligently to work to rebuild their wasted fortunes.

There is one event of this time which we cannot pass without mention; viz., the return of the Twelve to Far West amid dangers, in the face of a threatening mob, to carry into effect an obligation placed upon them, as they believed, by command of God. There were five of the Twelve who made this journey from Illinois, accompanied by others; viz., Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Pratt, John Taylor, and John E. Page. They assembled on the Temple Lot with several of their brethren on April 26, 1839.

At this meeting they ordained Wilford Woodruff and George A. Smith 1 apostles of the Quorum of the Twelve, and Darwin Chase and Norman Shearer to the office of Seventy

1 He visited me while I was in Liberty jail, when I made known to him that he was appointed to fill the place of Thomas B. Marsh in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He assisted in moving the saints out of Far West, and returned with the Twelve to fulfill the revelation concerning the foundation stone of the temple at Far West.-Joseph Smith, Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 168.

(page 352)

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