RLDS Verse Context

Inspired Version, 1908 Book of Mormon, DC 1-144

1 Nephi 5:47 - 1 Nephi 5:57

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47 And thus they did murmur against my father, and also against me; and they were desirous to return again to Jerusalem.

48 And Laman said unto Lemuel, and also unto the sons of Ishmael, Behold, let us slay our father, and also our brother Nephi, who has taken it upon him to be our ruler and our teacher, who are his elder brethren.

49 Now, he says that the Lord has talked with him, and also that angels have ministered unto him!

50 But behold, we know that he lies unto us; and he tells us these things, and he worketh many things by his cunning arts, that he may deceive our eyes, thinking, perhaps, that he may lead us away into some strange wilderness;

51 And after he has led us away, he has thought to make himself a king and a ruler over us, that he may do with us according to his will and pleasure.

52 And after this manner did my brother Laman stir up their hearts to anger.

53 And it came to pass that the Lord was with us; yea, even the voice of the Lord came and did speak many words unto them, and did chasten them exceedingly;

54 And after they were chastened by the voice of the Lord, they did turn away their anger, and did repent of their sins, insomuch that the Lord did bless us again with food, that we did not perish.

55 And it came to pass that we did again take our journey in the wilderness; and we did travel nearly eastward, from that time forth.

56 And we did travel and wade through much affliction in the wilderness; and our women did bear children in the wilderness.

57 And so great were the blessings of the Lord upon us, that while we did live upon raw meat in the wilderness, our women did give plenty of suck for their children, and were strong, yea, even like unto the men; and they began to bear their journeyings without murmurings.

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